
Wednesday 11 March 2015

Online course on "Computing Technology"

For all the computer enthusiasts (and those who want to learn about the basics of computer design), there is an online course which started recently. It covers most of the basics of processor design starting from digital electronics till the programming end(the different layers of development and also the various jobs that are built around those layers :) ).

The link to the course is  : The Computing Technology Inside Your Smartphone

The course, though may be named as the "The Computing Technology Inside Your Smartphone", covers the fundamental of computer architecture with the case study of Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor which is used in plethora of smartphones in modern day(Smartphones from a wide range of companies like Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, Xiomi, etc use Qualcomm's snapdragon SoC{SoC is semiconductor industry jargon for System-on-Chip} ).

Kindly enroll in this course as it starts from the basics and gives out a strong idea about how such a large computer (from the PC era) has shrunk to size where it can be accommodated in our pockets(the smartphone era).

Even if you do not know anything about the electronics, this course can definitely help lay a foundation of electronics. Moreover you will be designing one such processor yourself.

Cheers !!!
Happy Learning !!! :)


Friday 6 March 2015

Video Series on "Foundation of Computer Science"

It has been a long time since we were last active on the blog. Kindly accept our apologies for that as we have been a lot busy with our work life, but we are back and as mentioned in our last post that we would be providing some useful links to build upon your knowledge in various domains of electronics and computer science, here are the few good links for learning more about these fields :

If you want to learn about Foundations of Computer Science you can join the courses offered by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Mechnology) under edx/Xseries section. About the courses in Foundation of Computer Science (quote from the xseries itself : ) :

"The Foundations of Computer Science XSeries, offered by the M.I.T. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is a sequence of courses that introduce key concepts of computer science and computational thinking. Students apply these concepts and build their engineering skills by completing software and hardware design problems. Additionally, students test their understanding by taking a series of exams"

Though there are seven courses in the series, these cover a good amount of Digital Electronics as well.
Currently two of the 7 courses are ongoing(started this Monday and Tuesday) and you can enroll in them to learn the basics of Digital Design and computer science concepts using Python.

Here are the links to those :

1. 6.00.2x Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
2. 6.004.1x Computation Structures: Digital Circuits 

It is not mandatory for you to join the courses with the fees, you can also pursue the course freely by signing up for the honor code certificate. All you need is an internet connection.

I will keep updating when other courses of the series start.

If you have any doubt regarding what all courses(related to the field of Electronics or Computer Science) to do you can comment here, for queries related to the above courses you can ask them in the discussion forums (or here as well)

Till then, happy learning. :)